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Tag: Process

What are the 3 major issues in physical therapy and exercise?

Physical therapy quality is highly inconsistent between clinicians, clinics, and companies. Numerous factors play into these discrepancies, including clinical process, management structure, payment models, clinician-patient time, use of assistants, patient load, clinician training, and business models. These issues often culminate in underwhelming rehabilitation outcomes for clients. When embarking on a rehab journey, most patients don’t anticipate these issues. As Sarah Smith, PT, DPT, and co-founder of Smith Performance Center, observes: “Many patients don’t know where to start their rehab journey, and physical therapy is often not their first choice.” Choosing a clinic that treats 25 patients daily with heavy use of assistants is vastly different from one that sees six patients daily with dedicated one-on-one time. Blending the art and the science of physical therapy requires more than most patients realize. From our experience, three key areas drive these differences: Process, Patient-Provider Relationship, and Clinical Skill. Clinics that avoid assistant

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