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Day: April 5, 2016

Smith Performance Center Tucson

Strength Training for Triathletes

What to do if you are an often injured triathlete that has tried to stay healthy? Why did you get into triathlon?  Do you love the challenge? Do you like the training? Do you like the chronic calf cramping, back pain, neck pain, sore shoulder, or weird knee pain that seems to happen when you step off a curb?  Do you like hearing you have weak glutes or it’s just that your hip keeps falling out of alignment? My guess is those last two are not why you started and continue to do triathlons. Triathlon combines three separate sports into one: swimming, biking, and running. The training is long with a focus on technique and conditioning. You may have been attracted initially to the idea of cross-training to reduce your risk of injury. After the second or third overuse injury, you realized that may not be accurate.  When triathletes get

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