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Category: Maximize Performance

A graphic illustrating the relationship between fatigue and fitness, showing how training stress, recovery, and adaptation impact overall performance.

Maximize Your Season: Structuring Endurance & Strength Training with Three Key Questions

Structuring your endurance and strength programming can make or break your training. To help clarify your training schedule, we use three key questions to correctly scaffold the program. While the typical question we hear circles around sport-specific exercises, more important questions often get missed—questions that can make or break the season and influence your performance on race day. Question 1: Are You In-Season or Off-Season? Your immediate reaction might be, “I’m not sure what the difference is.”  To clarify, our strength coach, Spencer, offers this guidance: “If you’re building up to a specific race and tapering to maximize fitness while reducing fatigue, you’re in-season. Out of season might still include races, but it’s not aimed at peak performance.” To put it succinctly, here’s how our team defines it: So, which one are you currently in? Once you know, we can get specific. If You’re In-Season: For athletes training in-season, here’s

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How to use On Demand Supplement Workouts within your normal exercise routine

At SPC, we’re excited to announce that our supplemental workouts will be available on our On Demand platform.  However, we understand that there may be a learning curve associated with incorporating these workouts into your routine.  That’s why we want to ensure you have the resources to make the most of this valuable tool for future reference. If you’re unsure about what the supplemental programs entail, we encourage you to check out our blog post, ‘ The 4 Types of SPC Supplemental Workouts.‘ We will go into each aspect of the workout, why, and when to add the supplemental workouts. Understanding the Structure: Components of a Workout A single workout, at the most simple level, should include a prep component and a workout component. But this misses other aspects that often occur at SPC. Let’s define these components first: Prep: Getting your body ready for exercise. Skill Development: Learning or

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The 4 Types of SPC Supplemental Workouts

The foundation of our programming is the strength workout. Building upon this foundation using a progressive overload approach is essential for long-term strength and fitness gains. Incorporating supplemental workouts can provide variety, target specific muscle groups and movement patterns, develop new skills, and enhance overall fitness and performance. Supplemental workouts can serve various purposes, such as addressing weaknesses, improving mobility, treating recurrent injuries, reducing risk for falls or simply adding diversity to training. They include exercises like mobility drills, corrective exercises, accessory movements, and conditioning work. By integrating supplemental workouts into your programming, you create a more well-rounded and balanced training regimen. This approach not only helps to prevent boredom and plateaus but also allows for continuous improvement and adaptation over time. We want to review the types of supplemental workouts in this article. The 4 types of supplemental workouts We have 4 types of supplemental workouts: We will explain

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The 4 Unique Training Variables Used By Our Team To Improve Workout Success

Creating a single, hard workout is easy.   Creating a series of workouts that improve your overall fitness is not. Creating a true program that builds your skill set, builds your confidence, and adjusts for soreness or an emerging injury is extremely difficult. In the same vein, it is not hard to develop a physical therapy exercise list that targets a single problem, like glute inhibition. It is much harder to progress post-injury using strength training when we need to push the edge of the tissue capacity.  Programming a workout needs to consider numerous, modifiable variables. Remember a modifiable variable is anything you can change in the workout to optimize the training session and the overall programming scheme. At a minimum, you need to consider intensity, sets and reps, rest intervals, frequency of workouts, and supersets.   The minimum however does not optimize your workout and sometimes these are not the most

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The 5 Big Problems Facing Clients with Pain and Injury Who Want to Get Back to an Active Lifestyle

There are numerous problems facing people in living an active, healthy life, but it can be difficult to articulate the problem that needs to be solved. Let’s look at two people dealing with low back pain. One person bent over this morning to grab a pencil and now cannot stand up straight. The second person developed back pain years ago and stopped doing certain movements because of discomfort. The pain is still present daily and they use a combination of meds, massage, and chiropractic to keep big flares up away. Their problems are different despite both dealing with low back pain. The solutions are very different. The person who just hurt their back needs a diagnosis and a home plan targeting healing strategies and triggers. This may mean more frequent visits and removing anything that makes their symptoms worse. We will likely see this person a few times per week

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